Hope Cafe
So, as I was passing the Hope Café today, it reminded me of a trip that I made to Atlanta, Georgia, in June of 2011. Things were not exactly going the way I thought they would go in my life, and the truth of the matter is I wasn’t counting my blessing, and I was beginning to feel sorry for myself.
I had tears in my eyes as we were getting in line to land at the Atlanta airport, which takes about 20 minutes. I thought that I need to pray because I feel so down and discouraged.
‘Lord, you know I hate the word, Hope”
I said ‘Lord, you know I hate the word Hope” and the reason I hate the word Hope is all of my life I have heard people say “we were hoping and we were praying that things would change but it just happened it wasn’t god’s will, it wasn’t that our prayers went unanswered it was just that he had other plans for us at this time.”
So, for many years I equate Hope with prayer and no action. As we were landing I said, “Lord you know I hate the word Hope,” but I said, “I am desperate, and I am not feeling good about my life” and out came a man’s voice (that small still voice) that said “He Offers Prosperity with Effort” and it changed my entire look at the word Hope. From that point, I realized that hope meant something different to me than it ever did before.
There is Prosperity in the word Hope, but it takes Effort.
And the reason I share this with you as I passed your café this morning I realized that I needed to give you this message because Hope took on a different meaning for me.
Years ago, I heard a “Motivational Story” at a sales event, this story has stayed with me for many, many years.
We have to Run While We Pray, for He Offers Prosperity with Effort.
It is the story of two little boys who were on their way to school, and they miss the school bus, the one little boy Jimmy is running after the school bus yelling ‘WAIT, WAIT, STOP, STOP!!”
And, as he turns around and sees his brother Johnny sitting on the curb with his face in his hands, he says, “Johnny! What are you doing??”
And Johnny lifts his head and says I’m praying…and Jimmy says WELL RUN WHILE YOU PRAY!!”
And today, the message that I get out of that story is that it is tied to Hope. We have to Run While We Pray, for He Offers Prosperity with Effort.
When I hear people say they don’t believe in God, I think, how in the world could I not believe in God?
I have many stories about how God has played a huge part in my life. If you start writing about your life experiences you will see that you have actually had divine intervention, documenting and telling your life stories will help remind you of where you have been, and you will see how far you have come.
If you can’t recall specific pieces, leave the story alone, and come back to it when you can. You will be amazed at what you may remember 2 weeks later…or more!
The Back Story
I hope you enjoy the meaning of this story. It has motivated me when I get down.
Hope Cafe in Akron is a coffee shop located in East Akron. Their Hope stands for H-elping O-ther P-eople E-ternally.
This is one of my all-time favorite stories or if you will “life experiences.” I am a firm believer in writing your life experiences for personal growth. One of the things you will learn is that life goes on, in my experience discrimination will never end (maybe in heaven? haha) but life goes on.
I recently learned that some of my favorite songs had lyrics that were changed over time. I thought that was interesting. I understand updating content on a website, updating literature, and so on. I had never heard of updating lyrics. But, it all makes sense, as time goes on your goals, writings, and life change. Which is really called growth.
If you don’t like the way your life is going, change it. But, make a plan. When I look at my goals I realize that if I had written a book in 2009 it would not be what it could be in 2022. Why? time, life experiences, continued growth. You hear all of the quotes on hope and change. You do have to “run while you pray” you can hope all you want, you can dream all you want, and you should. Dreams come true because you dream and because you make a plan for success.
Success to one person is not the same success for another. Set your own level of success.
One person may want success to be in monetary value, another may want a successful family, meaning people who actually talk to each other and love each other.
Or children who learn to have a relationship with the Lord.
What to Write About? Writing Prompts
Tell me a story about how God has played a part in your life?
What does Hope mean to you?
How about a prayer to God you have never forgotten
What were you thinking when listening or reading this post? Write about that.
How about a time in your life when you had to Run While You Prayed?
How you are making a change in your life
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